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 Department of Accounting Undergraduate Graduation requirement      (For the academic year 2017)
科目名稱 Subject R/E Credit Course  length First year Second year Third year Forth year Remarks
(Pre-request information)
Fall  Spring Fall  Spring Fall  Spring Fall  Spring
社會責任與倫理 Social Responsibility and Ethics R 1 1  
微積分 Calculus R 3 1              
經濟學 Economics R 6 2              
民法概要 Civil Law R 2 1                
初級會計學(一) Fundamental Accounting (I) R 3 1                
初級會計學(二) Fundamental Accounting (II) R 3 1               Fundamental Accounting (I)
成本管理會計(一) Cost and Management Accounting(I) R 3 1       Fundamental Accounting (II)
統計學 Statistics R 6 2              
中級會計學(一) Intermediate Accounting (I) R 3 1               Fundamental Accounting (II)
商事法 Commercial Law R 2 1                
成本管理會計(二) Cost and Management Accounting (II) R 3 1       Cost and Management Accounting(I)
中級會計學(二) Intermediate Accounting(II) R 3 1               Intermediate Accounting (I)
審計學(一) Auditing(I) R 3 1           Intermediate Accounting(II)
中級會計學(三) Intermediate Accounting(III) R 3 1             Intermediate Accounting(II)
高級會計學(一) Advanced Accounting(I) R 3 1             Intermediate Accounting(II)
會計資訊系統(一) Accounting Information System (I) R 3 1               Fundamental Accounting (II)、Software Application Introduction、Data Processing
高級會計學(二) Advanced Accounting(II) R 3 1           Advanced Accounting(I)
審計學(二) Auditing(II) R 3 1           Auditing(I)
會計資訊系統(二) Accounting Information System (II) R 2 1               Fundamental Accounting (II)、Software Application Introduction、Data Processing
財務報表分析 Analysis of Financial Accounting R 3 1             Intermediate Accounting(II)
稅務法規 Tax Law and Regulations R 3 1              
電腦審計 Computer Auditing R 1 1             Auditing(I)
企業概論 Introduction to Business Field A 3 1         Choose any one from these two courses
管理學 Management 3 1        
風險管理 Risk Management Field B 3 1               Choose any one from these five courses
行銷管理 Marketing Management 3 1              
財務管理 Financial Management 3 1              
人力資源管理 Human Resource Management 3 1              
作業管理 Operations Management 3 1              

Required courses: 71 credits
Minimum graduation credits: 142 credits
Requirements of field required courses:
Field A: Select one of two courses
Field B: Select one of five courses
Special required courses:
1. Students must apply to the department chairperson for permission before taking a professional required course of the department offered by other departments.
2. Credits earned from Military Training and elective Physical Exercise courses are not included in the graduation credits.
3. As of academic year 2013, students of this department and double major students shall comply with the certification standards amended in accordance with the Regulations for Certification of Foreign Language Proficiency for Graduation.
(1) Students fulfilling any one of the following foreign language certification standards are considered as passing the foreign language proficiency for graduation:
a. GEPT High-Intermediate: Preliminary & Final Tests
b. New Internet-based TOEFL (iBT TOEFL): 79 and above
c. IELTS: 6.0 and above
d. Cambridge Certificate: FCE and above.
e. TOEIC: 750 and above
(2) Students with iBT TOEFL sore at 61-78 or TOEIC score at 600-749 may take an English further education course (2 hours, 0 credit) offered by NCCU. Students passing this course are considered as pass. However, iBT TOEFL score must not be below 61 or TOEIC score must not be below 600.
(3) Students with iBT TOEFL score reaching the distinction level, 103 or above (the score of each section must not be below 25), will be commended at the alumni congress. (Eligible students must voluntarily apply to the office of the Department of Accounting before April 20.)