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Master Program

                                                       Department of Accounting
              【Master Program】(Accounting TrackRequired Courses List
                                                                                      (For the academic year 2017)
Subject   Credit First year Second year
Fall Spring Fall Spring
Advanced Financial Accounting Theory Required 3        
Advanced Management Accounting Required 3        
Advanced Auditing Required 3        
Accounting Topics Workshop (I) Required 0        
Accounting Topics Workshop (II) Required 0        
Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics Required 0        
Total   9        
Minimum graduation credits:45
Special course requirements
1.Four prerequisites of master’s students: Financial Management, Tax Regulations, Business Administration, and Statistics (or courses with equivalent contents). Students who have not completed these four courses must complete them or pass the examination within the program length.
2.Minimum course credits for second year students: 6 credits for semester I and 6 credits for semester II (individual cases shall be approved by the Master’s Program Committee).
3.Master’s students shall contact the department office for course selection and English proficiency requirements in accordance with the Study & Degree Examination Regulations for the Master’s Programs of the NCCU Department of Accounting and the Addendum to the Study & Degree Examination Regulations for the Master’s Programs of the NCCU Department of Accounting.

                                                        Department of Accounting 
Master Program】(Taxation TrackRequired Courses List
                                                                                      (For the academic year 2017) 
Subject   Credit First year Second year
Fall Spring Fall Spring
Advanced Financial Accounting Theory Required 3        
Advanced Auditing Required 3        
Tax Planning Required 3        
Studtes on Taxation Required 3        
Accounting Topics Workshop (I) Required 0        
Accounting Topics Workshop (II) Required 0        
Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics Required 0        
Total   12        
Minimum graduation credits:45
Special course requirements
1.Four prerequisites of master’s students: Financial Management, Tax Regulations,
Business Administration, and Statistics (or courses with equivalent contents). Students who have not completed these four courses must complete them or pass the examination within the program length.
2.Minimum course credits for second year students: 6 credits for semester I and 6 credits for semester II (individual cases shall be approved by the Master’s Program Committee).
3.Master’s students shall contact the department office for course selection and English proficiency requirements in accordance with the Study & Degree Examination Regulations for the Master’s Programs of the NCCU Department of Accounting and the Addendum to the Study & Degree Examination Regulations for the Master’s Programs of the NCCU Department of Accounting.