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5-year Integrated Bachelor-Master Program

In order to encourage excellent undergraduate students in our department to keep studying our Master’s Program, and for the purpose of coherent learning and shortening the years of study, our department established the “5-year Integrated Bachelor-Master Program”. Students of our department whose cumulative academic ranking in the first five semesters is in the first 30% of his/her classmates may apply for the program before enrolling the sixth semester. Applicants should have the application form, transcripts per year, academic ranking paper, self biography, study plan, professor recommendation, and any document that is helpful to the applicants.

Students who are admitted to the program must get the Bachelor’s degree in the next school year, and must be admitted as our graduate student through the grad school examination. After the enrollment in the grad school, the students in the program may apply for the credit exemption.

As for the credit exemption, grad school courses taken during college (students should fill out the credit approval form first) may be exempted to at most half of the required grad school credits (not including the thesis). If the credits of grad school courses taken have been calculated as undergraduate credits, however, students may not apply for credit exemption any more.