Office Tel No. 81115
Research Expertise Financial Accounting, Internal Control, Corporate Governance
Teaching Field 財務會計
Job Title Professor
Year Paper Title
2024 金成隆;Chiu, P. C.;Haight, T*;Yu, P. H, 2024.05, 'The Information-Leveling Role of Management Forecast Consistency in Facilitating Investment Efficiency, ' European Accounting Review(A first tier)), Vol.VOL 33, No.NO 2, pp.519-543.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 438157, May. 2024
2020 Jeff Zeyun Chen*;Mei-Hui Chen;Chen Lung Chin;Gerald J. Lobo, 2020.10, 'Do Firms That Have a Common Signing Auditor Exhibit Higher Earnings Comparability?, ' The Accounting Review, Vol.95, No.3, pp.115–143 (科技部A+).(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 424122, Oct. 2020
2020 金成隆*, 2020.08, 'The Effect of Mandatory IFRS Reporting on the Syndicated Loan Structure, ' Corporate Management Review, Vol.VOL.40, No.No.2, pp.pp.107-152.(TSSCI).(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 106820, Aug. 2020
2019 Chow, Y. E.*;Yoa, W. R.;Chen Lung Chin., 2019, 'Do local leads deliver contracting benefits? Evidence from emerging market syndicated loans?, ' Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol.V 26, No.NO 3, pp.301-319.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 412899, 2019
2018 Chi Chun Chou*;C. Jane Chang;Chen Lung Chin;Wei-Ta Chiang, 2018.10, 'Measuring the consistency of quantitative and qualitative information in financial reports: A design science approach, ' Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Vol.V 15, No.N2, pp.93-109.(AAA)(*為通訊作者), vol. 434268, Oct. 2018
2018 金成隆;陳美惠*;游博翔, 2018.09, 'Does meeting analysts’ forecasts matter in the private loan market?, ' Journal of Empirical Finance (科技部A first tier), Vol.48, pp.321-340.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 420148, Sep. 2018
2018 姚維仁*;金成隆;王肇藍, 2018.01, '銀行債務契約訂定與財稅差異之關聯性, ' 會計評論, No.66, pp.1-39.(*為通訊作者), vol. 410059, Jan. 2018
2017 Wang, Z.,;M. H. Chen*;C. L. Chin;Q. Zheng, 2017, 'Managerial Ability, Political Connections, and Fraudulent Financial Reporting in China, ' Journal of Accounting and Public Policy(國科會A類first tier), Vol.2, No.36, pp.141-162.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 413082, 2017
2016 Liang, Jia-Wen*;Chen Lung, 2016.02, 'Stock-Based Compensation in a Concentrated Ownership Setting: An Empirical Investigation, ' Journal of Business, Finance, and Accounting (NSC A first tier), Vol.43, No.1&2, pp.131-157.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 409414, Feb. 2016
2016 粘凱婷*;金成隆;周濟群;汪戊安, 2016, '法人說明會資訊在供應鏈中之垂直資訊移轉效果:以台灣之半導體產業供應鏈為例, ' 台大管理論叢, Vol.26, No.3, pp.1-34.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 409418, 2016
2015 Tai-Yuan Chen*;Chen Lung Chin;Shiheng Wang;W. I. Yao, 2015, 'The Effects of Financial Reporting on Bank Loan Contracting in Global Markets: Evidence fromMandatory IFRS Adoption, ' Journal of International Accounting Research (A-), Vol.14, No.(2), pp.45-81 (A-).(*為通訊作者), vol. 409412, 2015
2014 Chin, C. L.*;W. R. Yao;P. Y Liu, 2014.12, 'Industry audit Experts and ownership structure in the syndicated loan market: At the firm and partner levels., ' Accounting Horizons(國科會A類first tier), Vol.28, No.4, pp.749-768.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 403879, Dec. 2014
2014 Sue, S. H*;C. L. Chin;K. T. Nien, 2014.09, 'How agency problem and reputation for integrity influence family firms' conference call disclosures?, ' Journal of Management, Vol.31, No.3, pp.217-243.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 403345, Sep. 2014
2014 林美鳳*;金成隆;謝佳純, 2014.07, '以IFRS為基礎的中國會計準則對資訊環境的影響, ' 中華會計學刊, Vol.10, No.1, pp.65-98.(*為通訊作者), vol. 406725, Jul. 2014
2013 Sue, S. H.;C. L. Chin;A.L. C. Chan*, 2013.11, 'Exploring the causes of accounting restatements by family firms, ' Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol.40, No.9/10, pp.1068-1094.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 390180, Nov. 2013
2013 翁慈青*;金成隆, 2013, 'Restoring trust after internal control weaknessess: Does corporate governance matter, ' 管理學報, Vol.30, No.2, pp.99-126.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 385069, 2013
2013 金成隆;Y. R. Cheng*;C. W. Liang, 2013, 'International Diversification and Conference Calls/ Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, ' Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics (NSC, A-, SSCI)), Vol.0, No.0, pp.297-314.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 364338, 2013
2013 Chien-Ju Lu*;Chen-Lung Chin;Yuanchen Chang, 2013, 'Weather Effects on Earnings Response Coefficients: International Evidence / Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, ' Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics(NSC A-, SSCI), Vol.0, No.0, pp.315-333.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 356636, 2013
2012 Liang, C. W;M. F. Lin*;C. L. Chin, 2012.07, 'Does foreign institutional ownership motiate firms in an emerging market to increase voluntary disclosure? Evidence from Taiwam, ' Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol.39, No.1, pp.55-76.(*為通訊作者), vol. 364332, Jul. 2012
2011 林美鳳*;張淑慧;金成隆, 2011.10, '投資人情緒與分析師行為之關聯性研究, ' 管理學報, Vol.28, No.5, pp.447-474.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 385348, Oct. 2011
2011 Chi, S. Y.;C. L. Chin*, 2011.05, 'Firm versus Partner Measures of Auditor Industry Expertise (NSC A類-first tier, 排序第一), ' Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (NSC A類-first tier, 排序第一), Vol.30, No.2, pp.201-229.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 335765, May. 2011
2011 曹壽民*;金成隆;張至文, 2011.02, '股權結構與多角化, ' 台大管理論叢, Vol.22, No.1, pp.165-198.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 385347, Feb. 2011
2011 金成隆*;Hsiou-wei William Lin;許宜中, 2011, 'On the Association between IPO Underpricing and Reversal and Taiwan''s Regulatory Reforms for Mandatory Forecasts, ' Journal of Forecasting, Vol.30, No.2, pp.225-248.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 208742, 2011
2010 金成隆*;Lu, C. J, 2010.08, 'Determinants of analyst forecast horizon, ' Journal of Management, Vol.27, No.4, pp. 371-395.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 385349, Aug. 2010
2010 金成隆*;林美鳳;梁嘉紋, 2010, '公司股權結構與外資持股關係之研究, ' 中山管理評論, Vol.18, No.1, pp.93-135.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 274689, 2010
2009 Chin, C. L.;Chi S. Y.*, 2009.09, 'Reducing Restatements with increased Industry Expertise, ' Contermporary Accounting Research, Vol.26, No.3, pp.729-765 (A+).(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 290361, Sep. 2009
2009 Chin, C. L.;Y. J. Chen;G. Kleinman;P. P. Lee, 2009.02, 'Corporate ownership structure and innovation: Evidence from Taiwan''s electronics industry, ' Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Vol.24, No.1, pp.145-175., vol. 313276, Feb. 2009
2009 陳俞如;金成隆;謝存瑞, 2009, '海外投資與盈餘品質:資訊不對稱的觀點, ' 管理學報, Vol.26, No.4, pp.363-376.(TSSCI), vol. 301669, 2009
2009 蘇淑慧;呂倩如*;金成隆, 2009, '家族公司與盈餘品質關係之研究:所有權、管理權與控制權, ' 台大管理論叢, Vol.15, No.2, pp.75-90.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 289932, 2009
2009 Chin, C. L.;H. Y. Chi*;H. Lee, 2009, 'Chinese Ownership Structure and Innovation Performance, ' Journal of Management, Vol.26, pp.17-33.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 274678, 2009
2009 林美鳳*;金成隆;林良楓, 2009, '股權結構,盈餘保守性和信用評等關係之研究, ' 台大管理論叢, Vol.20, No.1, pp.289-333.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 289931, 2009
2009 Chin, C. L.*;Y. J. Chen;T. J. Hsien, 2009, 'International Diversification, Ownership Structure, Legal Origin, and EarningsManagement: Evidence from Taiwan, ' Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Vol.24, No.2, pp.233-362.(*為通訊作者), vol. 274696, 2009
2008 金成隆;林美鳳;梁家紋, 2008.02, '公司治理結構和法人說明會之關聯性研究, ' 管理學報, Vol.2, No.2, pp.221-243.(TSSCI)(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 243127, Feb. 2008
2008 Asokan, A.;H.Y. Chi.*;C.L. Chin.;P.P., Lee., 2008, 'The Effect of Innovation on Firm Performance: The Experience of Taiwan, ' Advances in Accounting, Vol.23, pp.1-30.(*為通訊作者), vol. 313292, 2008
2007 金成隆*;Shou-Min Tsao;Hsin-Yi Chi, 2007, 'Non-audit Services and Bias and Accuracy of Voluntary Earnings Forecast Reviewed by Incumbent CPA, ' Corporate Governance: An International Review, Vol.15, No.4, pp.661-676.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 206720, 2007
2006 Chang, C. T.;L. C. Chin*;M. F. Lin, 2006.12, 'On the single item multi-supplier system with variable lead-time, price-quantity discount, and resource constraints, ' Applied Mathematics and Computation,.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 274699, Dec. 2006
2006 Chin, C. L.;G. Kleinman;P. Lee;M. Lin, 2006, 'Corporate ownership structure and accouracy and bias of mandatory earnings forecst: evidence from Taiwan, ' Journal of International Accounting Research, Vol.5, No.2, pp.41-62.(國科會B+類期刊), vol. 301795, 2006
2006 Chin,C. L.;H. Chi;A. Anadarajanet;P. Lee, 2006, 'Patent Citation, Spillover, and Tobin Q: Evidence from the Taiwan Semiconductor Industry, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, ' Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol.8, No.3, pp.543-571.(Econ.List, FLI), vol. 193697, 2006
2006 金成隆;Picheng Lee;Gary Kleinman*;黃文品, 2006, 'Does Innovation Matter to Conference Calls? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, ' IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol.27, No.1, pp.67-91.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 206719, 2006
2005 金成隆,紀信義;林裕凱, 2005.05, '強制性財務預測與法人說明會關聯性之研究, ' 管理學報,已接受論文,.(TSSCI), vol. 191573, May. 2005
2005 金成隆;陳俞如, 2005, '公司治理與專利權: 台灣新興市場, ' 管理學報, accepted,.(TSSCI), vol. 191481, 2005
2005 Chin. L. C.;T. T. Lin;C. C. Lee, 2005, 'Convertible Bonds Issuance Terms, Management Forecasts, and Earnings Management: Evidence from Taiwan Market, ' Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, forthcoming (Econ Lit.)(FLI),.(ABI), vol. 185995, 2005
2004 金成隆;林修葳;邱偉橫, 2004, '研究發展之初與資本支出的價值攸關杏: 以企業生命週期論析, ' 中山管理評論, Vol.accepted.(TSSCI), vol. 186044, 2004
2004 金成隆;林修葳;紀信義, 2004, '從企業生命週期探討專利權的價值攸關性:兼論法規大修的影響, ' 管理學報, Vol.0, No.0, pp.0.(TSSCI), vol. 146933, 2004
2003 金成隆;林修葳;洪郁珊, 2003, '無形資產、上市後股價變動程度、與內部人持股關係之研究, ' 會計評論, Vol.0, No.36, pp.0., vol. 146932, 2003
2002 金成隆, 2002, '生產科技對財務報表品質影響之研究, ' 企業管理學報, No.54, pp.33-51., vol. 187993, 2002
2002 金成隆;林修葳;林美鳳, 2002, '新上市公司股價異常漲跌與財務預測關係之研究, ' 會計評論, Vol.0, No.34, pp.31-56., vol. 145210, 2002
2000 金成隆;林修葳;張永芳, 2000, '強制性財務預測誤差與盈餘管理關係:20%門檻限制影響之研究, ' 中國財務學刊, Vol.7, No.1, pp.59-96.(TSSCI), vol. 146928, 2000
2000 金成隆;林修葳;林憶樺, 2000, '台灣上市電子公司研究發展費用與強制性盈餘預測關聯性之實證研究, ' 管理學報(年度管理學報最佳論文獎), Vol.17, No.4, pp.711-738.(TSSCI), vol. 146931, 2000
2000 金成隆;林修葳;黃書楣, 2000, '國內現金增資企業盈餘管理之實證研究, ' 中山管理評論, Vol.8, No.4, pp.709-744.(TSSCI), vol. 146930, 2000
1999 金成隆;曹壽民, 1999, '台灣上市公司盈餘/股價關聯性之研究, ' 中山管理評論, Vol.7, No.1, pp.81-100.(TSSCI), vol. 146924, 1999
1999 金成隆;鄭丁旺, 1999, '持續與非持續盈餘反應係數之研究, ' 會計評論, Vol.0, No.31, pp.19-42., vol. 146921, 1999
1998 金成隆;張耿蔚, 1998, '月營收/報酬關聯性之研究, ' 管理評論, Vol.17, No.3, pp.61-83.(TSSCI), vol. 146926, 1998
1998 金成隆;林修葳, 1998, '台灣上市公司月盈餘揭露行為之實證研究, ' 證券市場發展季刊, Vol.10, No.3, pp.31-64.(TSSCI), vol. 146919, 1998
Year Paper Title
2024 J. Z. Chen*;M. H. Chen;金成隆;Qi Zheng, 2024.06, 'Do Regulators Demand for and Benefit from Accounting Comparability? – Evidence from the Registration-based IPO System in China (Journal of International Accounting Research Conference; Best paper award), ' The 11th International Conference of the Journal of International Accounting Research, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2024
2013 梁嘉文*;金成隆, 2013.08, 'Do Controlling Owners Discipline Themselves to Mitigate the, ' AAA proceeding, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2013
2013 何里仁*;金成隆, 2013.08, 'Audit Experience of Industry Specialist and Accounting Restatement., ' AAA proceeding, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2013
2013 陳怡君*;金成隆, 2013.08, 'National and Office-Specific Measures of Industry Auditor Expertise and Loan Debt Contracting, '.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2013
2013 金成隆*;姚俊, 2013.08, 'The Economic Consequences of Mandatory IFRS Reporting: Evidence on the Syndicated Loan Structure, ' AAA PROCEDDING, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2013
2012 Tai-Yuan Chen*;金成隆;Shiheng Wang;Chun Ya, 2012.08, 'The Effect of Mandatory IFRS Adoption on Bank Loan Contracting, ' 2012 AAA Annual Meeting proceeding, AAA, pp.61.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2012
2012 金成隆*;C. L. Chan, 2012.08, 'Borad interlocks and Audit Choice: Firm and Partner level, ' 2012 AAA Annual meeting proceeding, AAA, pp.40.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2012
2012 Y. C. Chen*;金成隆, 2012.08, 'Internal control and warranty reserve, ' 2012 AAA Annual Meeting proceeding, AAA, pp.107.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2012
2011 金成隆*;L. W. Jiawen, 2011.08, 'How Do Firms React to Rivals’ Meeting/Beating Analysts’ Expectations?, ' 2011 AAA annual meeting proceeding, AAA, pp.30-30.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2011
2010 金成隆*;Shu W. S, 2010.08, 'Accounting restatement and family firm: Agency problems and reputation of integrity, ' 2010 AAA annual meeting proceeding, AAA.(德語(文))(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2010
2010 金成隆*;j. w. Liang, 2010.08, 'Does Rivals’ Meeting/Beating Analyst Expectation Matter? Evidence of Negative Information, ' 2010 AAA Annual Meeting proceeding, AAA, pp.30-31.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2010
2010 Chen Lung Chin;H.W Lin;Y. Shu, 2010, 'On the association between under-pricing in IPOs and mandatory management forecast: evidence from an emerging market, ' International Accounting Section of the 2004 AAA Annual Meeting, *.(SSCI), 2010
2005 Chen Lung Chin;Phil Picheng Lee;Hsin-Yi Chi;Asokan Anandarajan, 2005, 'Patent Citation, R&D Spillover, Absorptive Capacity and Firm Performance: Evidence from Taiwan Semiconductor Industry, ' 2nd AIMA WORLD Conference on management accounting research, Pace University., 2005
2005 Chne Lung Chin;Gary B. Kleinman;Yu-Ju Chen;Picheng Phil Lee, 2005, 'Corporate Governance and Innovation: Evidence from Taiwan’s Electronics Industry, ' 2005 American Accounting Association Regional meeting, American Accounting Association., 2005
2005 Chen Lung Chin;Gary Kleinman;Picheng Phil Le;Mei-Feng Lin, 2005, 'Corporate Ownership Structure and Accuracy and Bias of Mandatory Earnings Forecast: Evidence from Taiwan, ' 2005 American Accounting Association Mid-Year Conference, American Accounting Association., 2005
2004 Chen Lung Chin;P.Pee, 2004.01, 'IPO Anomalies and Innovation Capitals: Evidence from Taiwan, ' International Accounting Section 2004 Mid-Year Conference of AAA, *., Jan. 2004
2004 Chen Lung Chin;P.P Lee, 2004, 'Conference Calls and Innovation: evidence from an emerging market, ' International Accounting Section of the 2004 AAA Annual Meeting, *., 2004
2003 Jaggi.B;H.W Lin;P.P Lee;P.P Lee, 2003, 'Earnings Forecasts Disclosure Regulation and Earnings Management by IPO Firms to Meet the Forecast Error Threshold., ' Interenational Accounting Section of the 2003 AAA Annual Meeting, *., 2003
2003 金成隆;曾佩瑜;王雅芳, 2003, '新上市公司異常現象與創新程度關係之研究, ' 2003會計理論與實務研討會, 國立成功大學主辦., 2003
2002 金成隆;林修葳;林美鳳, 2002, '新上市公司財務預測誤差之研究, ' 2001 財務金融學術暨實務研討會, X., 2002
2002 金成隆;李佳玲;施淑月, 2002, '我國電子公司創新與高階經理人誘因機制之關聯性實證研究, ' 2002 會計理論與實務研討會, 國立台北大學主辦., 2002
2002 金成隆;林修葳;王雅芳, 2002, '從生命週期與供應鏈探討電子業專利權價值攸關性, ' 2002 會計理論與實務研討會, 國立台北大學主辦., 2002
2001 金成隆;林達榮;李家琪, 2001, '可轉換公司債發行條款與強制性財務預測之關聯性研究, ' 2001財務金融學術暨實務研討會, *., 2001
2001 金成隆;林修葳;林美鳳, 2001, '新上市公司股票折價幅度與財務預測關係之研究, ' 2001財務金融學術暨實務研討會, *., 2001
2001 金成隆;曹壽民;藍心梅;陳俊雄, 2001, '會計基礎評價模式在台灣股市適用性之研究, ' 2001年「第十屆會計理論與實務研討會」, 東吳大學., 2001
2001 金成隆;林修葳;紀信義, 2001, '從企業生命週期探討專利權的價值攸關性:兼論法規大傷的影響, ' 2001年「台灣產業推動電子商務研討會」, 中山大學., 2001
2001 金成隆;林修葳;洪郁珊, 2001, '無形資產、新股折價與內部人持股關係之研究, ' 2001年「新經濟下之會計研究與博士教育學術研究討會」, 國立政治大學., 2001
2000 金成隆;林修葳;杜家媛, 2000, '應計盈餘與自願性預測一致性之資訊效果:選樣偏誤分析, ' 2000財務金融學術暨實務研討會, *., 2000
1999 金成隆;林修葳;林憶樺, 1999, '強制性財務預測與操控研究發展費用之關係之研究, ' 1999年「第一屆亞太管理學術研討會」, 成功大學., 1999
1999 金成隆;H.W Lin;Y.F Chang, 1999, 'Manadatory Management Forecast Error as a Variable to Earnings Manipulation, with a 20% Hurdle Set by TAIEX Regulators, ' American Accounting Association/Taiwan Accounting Association First Globalization Conference, *., 1999
1998 金成隆;康榮寶;祝美玲, 1998, '我國上市公司各種財務預測準確性之比較研究:強制性與自願性與分析師預測, ' 1998會計新環境國際研討會論文集, 東吳大學., 1998
1998 金成隆, 1998, '台灣上市公司月盈餘揭露行為之實證研究, ' 1998年「中國財務學會暨論文研討會」, *., 1998
1998 金成隆, 1998, 'Examining Earnings Response Coefficient of Permanent and Transitory Earnings Components, ' 1998「International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues」, *., 1998
1998 金成隆;黃書楣, 1998, '我國現金增資與盈餘管理之實證研究, ' 第四屆「中華民國台灣地區會計審計理論與實務研討會」, 東吳大學., 1998
Year Book Title
2024 陳美惠*;金成隆, 2024.09, '財務會計研究實用計量方法, ' 滄海書局.(*為通訊作者), 124565, Sep. 2024
2020 金成隆*;陳美惠, 2020.08, '高等財務會計研究:理論與實證 (3 rd.), ' 滄海書局.(*為通訊作者), 385030, Aug. 2020
Project Category Year Project Title Participator Job Title Period Unit
MOST Projects 91 新上市公司申請上市規範之實證研究:資本額,獲利能力與資本結構門檻 金成隆 Principal Investigator 2002.08 ~ 2003.07 國立中正大學
MOST Projects 90 新上市公司股票折價幅度與財務預測關之研究:強制與自願性盈餘預測 金成隆 Principal Investigator 2001.08 ~ 2002.07 國立中正大學
Year Research Title Publish Date Authors
2012 金成隆*;王泰昌;李佳玲;吳清在;林修葳;俞洪昭, 2012.12, '財金及會計學門會計領域國際期刊分級及排序更新計畫, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者) 2012-12-01
2003 金成隆, 2003, '分析師類型、無形資產 、與企業生命週期關係之研究, ' 國科會.
2003 金成隆, 2003, '行為財務學與行為會計學整合型計畫─子計畫九:領導型/從眾型分析師過度自信現象之研究, ' 國科會.
2002 金成隆, 2002, '新上市公司申請上市規範之實證研究:資本額,獲利能力與資本結構門檻, ' 國科會.
2001 金成隆, 2001, '新上市公司股票折價幅度與財務預測關之研究:強制與自願性盈餘預測, ' 國科會.
2000 金成隆, 2000, '無形資產、上市後股價變動程度、與內部人持股關係之研究, ' 國科會.
2000 金成隆, 2000, '應計盈餘與自願性盈餘預測一致性之資訊效果:選樣偏誤分析, ' 國科會.
1999 金成隆, 1999, '上市公司月營業收入策略性操縱行為之研究, ' 國科會.
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立政治大學 Accounting 博士 1991.09 ~ 1996.06
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立政治大學 會計(學)系 碩士 1982.09 ~ 1984.06
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立中興大學 企業管理(學)系 學士 1978.09 ~ 1982.06
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2021.08 ~ 2025.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2018.08 ~ 2021.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2015.02 ~ 2018.02
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 系主任 2013.08 ~ 2014.07
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2013.01 ~ 2014.08
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 系主任 2012.08 ~ 2013.07
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 系主任 2011.08 ~ 2012.07
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2009.09 ~ 2013.01
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Accounting 教授 2003.08 ~ 2008.07
Honor Category Year Award Name Awarding Unit
Inside School 112 國科會研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 112 特聘教授 國立政治大學
Inside School 111 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 111 國科會研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 110 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 109 國科會研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 109 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 109 特聘教授 國立政治大學
Inside School 108 學術研究特優獎 政治大學
Inside School 108 國科會研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 107 國科會研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 107 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 106 特聘教授 國立政治大學
Inside School 106 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 106 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 105 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 105 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 104 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 104 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 103 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 103 資深優良教師(20年) 國立政治大學
Inside School 103 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 103 特聘教授 國立政治大學
Inside School 102 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 102 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 101 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 101 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 100 特聘教授 國立政治大學
Inside School 100 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 99 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 99 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 98 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 97 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
Inside School 96 學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎 政治大學
Inside School 94 三等服務獎章 政治大學
Inside School 93 資深優良教師(10年) 國立政治大學
Inside School 89 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 88 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
Inside School 87 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)